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John Zamuner
age: 62
Location: Wollongong, NSW
bikes: Moto Guzzi California EV (1998)

After years of riding dirt bikes and a Virago 750 I test rode what is now my California EV. The dealer actually let me take it home for a few days on trial. Following 10 trouble-free years it still looks and goes like new, (almost). I wonder what will last longer, me or the bike?

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David Jenkinson
age: 45
Location: Melbourne
bikes: LeMans III

Long history with guzzis sp1000 & lemans 1, 2,3. Public servant , technical (linear accelerator). Married , 2 teenage daughters & 1 bitch (border collie)

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Gary Bickford
age: mid 40's
Location: Sydney
bikes: Mk I LeMans

I have owned the Mk 1 for about 20 yrs. Done about 170,000 km including trip around Oz and NZ.

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Paul "Bart" Matterson
age: 35
Location: Chisholm ACT
bikes: 86 MkIV 1000 Le Mans

Own a mdified 86 Le Mans IV, lightened flywheel,dyna ignition, K&N filters, outside oil filter, Brembo 4pot brakes,Staintunes. Ex Telstra tech , currently a homedad caring for young son, enjoy a great ride and ralies, partial to odd beer or three!! Longed for a Guzzi for years before aquiring mine, reckon Aigor is great way of networking and meeting other guzzi enthusiasts, know most of Canberrra area owners

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Steve Jeffries
age: 47
Location: Auckland NZ
bikes: 99 Califonia EV 1100

On my 3rd Guzzi in a row. Started with mk4 then 1100 sport inj. Ride nearly everyday and prefer the Cali as an allround bike (it's happy in slow traffic as well as highway). A good rally is the Rattley Tappet at Labour weekend to see a good mix of others.

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Gavin Bedggood
age: 40
Location: New Zealand
bikes: 1979 SP1000 MK1, 1976 Falcone Sahara, 1962 Falcone, various other Italians.

I have a small collection of Italian bikes and cars (with a token British one of each thrown in) that I have been slowly building up since I was 16. I have finally reached a point where I have stopped collecting, downsized and improved the quality of what was in my collection and now I am dedicated to improving the condition and usability of what I have.

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Phil Page
age: 58
Location: Hobart Tasmania
bikes: Sport 1100i, LM III, Honda CB1000F, Postie Bike

Just a BOF (boring old fart) who's ridden bikes all his life, but this is the first Guzzi I've owned. It's hard on the back, but wonderful for the ego.

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Damian Maguire
age: 30
Location: Gold Coast, Qld.
bikes: 850 Le Mans mkIII

I am an apprentice mechanic with the local Ducati shop and am a Guzzi fan having previously owned a T3 (why did I sell it??? This was the best bike I have owned, other bikes I have owned include Bevel SS, Monster, Z1000, GS1000G, K100RS, XJ900). My mkIII was bought as a rough runner and is nearing the completion of a rebuild (pics to follow). I have been without a running bike for a few months and am going crazy. Still, at work I HAVE to ride 996 SPS's etc, so I can't really complain too much.

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Graeme Maizey
age: 45
Location: Melbourne
bikes: 1979 SP 1000

15 bikes over 20 + years 5 Guzzis. 1 Lm4, 1 Cali 1100i (didn't like that one), 3 (yes 3) SP1000's. Just found the 3rd one and will never make the mistake of selling it as there is no other bike that has ever made me smile like the old SP. There are two kinds of motorcycle; the lookin' kind and the ridin' kind. The SP is the ridin kind.

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Frank vander Meer
age: 39
Location: Perth WA
bikes: LeMans 3

Had Guzzis mostly since the seventies. Always get huge miles out of 'em. Work in a motorcycle shop (Jap) but not intetrested in them for reasons of common sense. Owned two mk3, mk2, two TT 650s also got some 70s honda trail bikes

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