I have had many and varying bikes. I started with a Suzuki GF250, then I graduated to a BMW R65LS, then after reliability issues I retired the beemer (my dad has it now) in favour of a Kawasaki GPX750 which I eventually sold to buy my first four-wheeler. After a couple of years I was commuting to the city again and decided to purchase a Honda CB600F Hornet. After a few years it ended up sitting in the garage unused when I started working in Mount Waverley because it just wasn't a fun bike for the amount of maintenance it required. I wanted to get back to a shaft drive and figured Moto Guzzis are much more pleasing to the eye than beemers (and my uncle Bruce has been a MG man for as long as I can remember) so I started shopping for a MG. I test rode a brand new V7 Classic (is that an oxymoron?) and was impressed... however I felt it was too plastic for my taste. I decided it made more sense to look for something older, easier to self maintain and able to wear a club (red) plate. I started researching the older bikes and after loading my screen-saver with dozens of MG pics I decided that I would look for an 850T/T3. I found an 850T in Adelaide and as my wife is from Adelaide I finally had something productive to do the next time I had to visit the in-laws. I fell in love with the bike and ended up returning to Adelaide two weeks later to ride it back to Melbourne... via the great ocean road of course, spectacular! I have just gotten it Vic registered and am having a few little bits and pieces resolved (tyres, cables, service and tune, etc... the guy before me had had it for 18+ years and had only put 5000kms on it - ODO currently just shy of 50K) before I start getting involved in clubs and more importantly the club rides. I'll put some pics up as soon as I am able.
The last bike I owned was a Kwaka Z1B 900 which I sold in 1980. I have just bought a new Cali, and am yearning to learn more.
I had a Le Mans 3 for a few years, should never have sold it. Now I have a 1000SP 1980 that I have owned and modified since 1992.
I am going to grow old disgracefully. I love my job. I have recentley returned to riding , I purchesed a 500 honda which I still own and have had a lot of fun on. I recently fell in love with a Italian lady which I purchesed sight unseen (California).
I'm a Structural Engineer. I moved to Melbourne from the UK in 2003.
Up until the last couple of years I had only ever owned Japanese in-line fours. My most recent bike was a Kawasaki ZX-6R that I owned for 12 years. I had always had a hankering for European bikes and in the last few years my income allowed me to consider actually buying one. A couple of years ago I struck a deal with my wife that I could buy myself a new bike for my 40th birthday. So then I started to do my research on what would be my dream bike. After looking at a lot of bikes on-line and in the flesh, I kept coming back to the Griso, which I had first seen at a bike show in Perth back in 2008. Nothing else I saw attracted me as much from a visual point of view. I also find that the naked style of bike appeals to me these days a lot more than the generic sports bike look. After taking a test ride on a Griso I was hooked. The feel, the look and the performance were exactly what I was hoping for. Than came the saving and the long wait until the big 40. It seemed to take forever. Suffice to say, now that I have it I am very very happy. Others cannot help but look when I ride past and even my non-motorcycle friends love the look and sound of it. So that is how I came to be a Guzzi owner. In my everyday life I work for a large multinational electrical power and automation company called ABB and I manage the power generation business in Australia, supplying equipment and electrical designs for power stations. I am married with no children and live in Preston, Victoria.
I'm recently back on a bike after an extended break and LOVING IT! The Cali is without doubt the best bike I have ever owned. Handles like a dream and goes like steam!
I had a R65 BMW '81 model that died and went in search for a replacement. I went to a few dealer open/test ride days and fell in love with the MG Norge. I came from a dirt bike background ~ 20 years ago and now just like cruising around on the bike.