Left the RAAF three years ago after 25years and run my own power-tool repair & maintainance business supporting the building industry. Got back into bikes after thirteen years 'cause my brothers and I want to go to Perth in 2000. Bought the Guzzi after much research and a ride on one in Melbourne before Christmas.
Own 3 BSA's and had a 400 four and now I finally got a Guzzi. In the 12 months of owning it I have done 18,000 kms and now have to save for the Cali.
Bryan - pleased to (only recently)find your web site. Had terrific success in locating a standard exhaust system (complete) from an enourmously helpful member in Victoria. Currently owner of a Mk.4 LeMans - my first Guzzi - almost erotica! Started with bikes in the first half of the 60's & (some, much to my regret)have owned all manner of makes etc. Even survived a (challenging) four year apprenticeship with a Vellocette Venom. I came through this experience only marginally sillier that I was before? My more recent bikes included a BMW R100RS - very civilised but,not 'my thing'. Have also owned two V-twin Ducati's & still am an admirer of the 'old' bevel drives. Prior to this period,( long way prior) my most memorable possession was a '66 Bonnie - one of my biggest regrets was terminating this association - or is this an example of 'rose coloured glasses'?
Currently restoring the beloved to as near original condition as possible. Currently working in the I.T. field, married and foster a boy with Cerebal Palsy.
I've had the Guzzi for a few years and appreciate it more and more every day. It was stolen for a year and somehow I actually got it back, although it was damaged. I'd taken out a loan to buy it and at that time it was my only source of transport, so I was happy to see it back no matter what the condition. It was toured before it got pinched, but now it goes to the odd track day and takes me to work and uni. Plus the old man gets a loan of it, so it puts a smile on two people's faces.
Absolutely nuts about Guzzi LeMans and anything Italian. Hate "that" American bike with a passion. Photographer by profession
I am a member of the NSW Moto Guzzi Owners Assoc, and have owned Guzzi's for over 20 years.
I've been involved with bikes for 34 years and have just about ridden anything with two wheels. If you notice some weird posting times it's because I am on permanent night work as a printer with our local newspaper. I am married to Pamela my lovely wife who enjoys jumping on the back when she gets the chance and we have two beautifull daughters but I've slipped badly here, neither of them particularly like bikes, ah well, can't win 'em all I guess. This is my second Guzzi, the first was a 5 speed drum braked Eldorado in that gorgeous port wine and siver colour, this was back in '72 and I only had it for 10mths, traded it on a CB750, that was a bloody mistake! I've had the present "Ravioli Tractor" for 15mths (Mario)and loving it.
I have moved to NZ as my wife is a local girl. Bought the Cali III along for the ride. Have been here a year now and the roads are great, the people friendly and life generally laid back. Recently bought a V65SP to make use of some of the great roads in the Taranaki area.
Just finished 6 months of college at the Australian Maritine College, now the proud holder of a diploma of marine engineering, Watch keeper. Sport is in pieces in my garage with a plastic cage in one of the gearbox bearings failed. This has bought me several rungs down motorcyclingwise, as my only working motorcycle is my R65LS, and it diesn't have heated hand grips, in Tassie, in a cold winter!